Please Provide Your Information

To take advantage of this offer, please fill out the forms below and submit your information to continue.
Personal Information
- - xxx-xx-xxxx
  1. 1. Why does Fidelity ask for your Social Security Number (SSN)?

We ask for your SSN so that we can accurately track your qualifying activity to receive the offer. If you do not provide your SSN, you will not be registered for the offer. If you do not wish to provide your SSN at this time, please call us (at 800-642-6972) no later than 15 days following the date your new account is funded and we will complete your registration for this offer. Please note that you are required to provide us with your SSN in connection with opening an account with Fidelity. If you choose not to provide your SSN at this time, the process to complete your registration for this offer may result in a delay.